
Insurance Promoting Punctuation Goofs: Quotes

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Insurance Promoting Punctuation Goofs: Quotes

Need to compose like an insurance marketing specialist? Take in the correct method to utilize quotes with other accentuation.

The quote has since a long time ago stumbled up insurance advertisers, particularly when joining them with other accentuation, for example, commas, semicolons and question marks. Regardless of whether accentuation goes inside or outside statement imprints can be dubious. What's more, pointless utilization of statement stamps frequently causes peruser perplexity.

The way to recall is, when all is said in done, the period and the comma go inside quotes. The colon, semicolon and dash go outside of quotes. Here are a couple of rules for when utilizing quotes.

Correct words

Quotes are for the most part used to encompass the correct words somebody said or composed. Here you can name the individual being cited in the first place or the finish of the statement, yet the accentuation changes a bit.

"I have a fantasy," said Martin Luther Ruler Jr. – Note the comma goes before the statement stamp.

Martin Luther Lord Jr. stated, "I have a fantasy." – Note the period is before the statement stamp.

Statements inside statements, however uncommon, get exceptional treatment by rotating amongst twofold and single statement marks.

She stated, "My most loved Martin Luther Lord Jr. saying is, 'I have a fantasy.'" – Note there are no spaces between the comma, the single statement check and the twofold statement stamp.

Other accentuation

As per the AP Stylebook, the question mark and the outcry point go inside quotes when they apply to the cited matter as it were. They go outside when they apply to the entire sentence.

Despite everything I can't trust she stated, "I quit"! – Here the shout point applies to the whole sentence.

By the day's end, she stated, "I quit!" – Here the shout point alludes just to the cited material.

Did she simply say, "I am lost"? – Here the question mark alludes to the whole sentence.

The lost driver stated, "Where are we going?" – Here the question mark alludes just to the cited material.


You may likewise utilize quote checks around piece titles, for example, books, motion pictures and Network programs, and monikers, to indicate incongruity and while presenting new terms.

Arrangement title: "I Adore Lucy" is an exemplary comic drama indicate featuring Lucille Ball.

Epithet: Richard "Dick" Nixon was the 37th leader of the Assembled Conditions of America.

Incongruity: The "cheerful" couple contended without stopping for even a minute.

New term: Some say the administration supported program is a "boondoggle."

Included accentuation

Abstain from utilizing quotes to add accentuation to specific words in your written work. It can cause peruser disarray. Rather, pick more grounded words or utilize italics to separate the word.

As usual, we suggest that you keep an AP Style Guide close by for simple reference if all else fails. For other insurance promoting composing tips, download our free report, "10 Insurance Showcasing Missteps Costing You Deals At this moment."

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